A FREE 3-part guide to simplify your meals, balance your hormones and boost your energy in just 3 days.

    “I went 6 ½ hours between breakfast and lunch, without my energy crashing or hunger pains! And I’m down 5 pounds this week. Thanks Alanna!”


    What you get:

    Day 1: Habit Audit

    Just like making a blueprint to build the foundation for your health, you need to establish awareness around your current habits first.

    This habit audit is meant to be a gentle check in with yourself to become more aware of how you're feeling, your daily habits, how they impact you, and why you want to make changes to your health habits.

    Day 2: Pantry Audit & Re-Stock

    Think of your pantry like your medicine cabinet. You want to stock it with an abundance of nourishing foods to promote the intake of nutrients your body needs to thrive!

    You're going to do a pantry audit of what's in your kitchen so you can have nutrient dense ingredients and tools on hand, and clear out the excess foods that aren't supporting your health, causing fluctuations in energy, mood, weight, and even sleep.

    Day 3: Simple Swaps & Key Staples

    Build the nutrient dense, healthy kitchen of your dreams that will set your health up for success! Grocery list, recipes, healthy swaps and more provided!

    • The language of food labels
    • Sugar explained
    • Why Choose Organic?
    • Simple Food Swaps
    • Nutrient Dense Shopping List
    • Meal Prep
    • PLUS! 3 Nutrient Dense Signature Recipes

    HI, I'm Alanna

    Functional Nutritionist, BCHN, NC, RWP

    If you want to have more energy and build healthier habits, you have to start in your kitchen!

    Just like if you want to build a house, you'd need to get the supplies to build the foundation first before you can pick out the paint colors and the bathroom tile, right!?

    Over the next 3 days we're going to make sure you have the basic pantry supplies you need to make simple, healthy meals that will fuel your nutrition, balance your hormones and boost your energy.

    With this practice you'll build awareness and a foundation to a balanced diet so you can ditch diets, finally get traction in your health journey and get your energy back.

    Nutrition starts in the kitchen so let's make sure it's stocked for your success!

    In just 3 days get ready to:

    ✔️ Gain confidence in the kitchen

    ✔️ Be more intentional with the food in your home

    ✔️ Understand the basics of a well balanced meal

    ✔️ Learn how to read labels and stock your pantry with the goods

    ✔️ Take the first step to balance your hormones and boost your energy in a simple, achievable way!

    I found myself in an upward spiral as the weeks went by: better sleep, waking up easier, larger attention span, more patience, balanced energy. I just felt better. If good nutrition isn’t the highest form of self-care and self-love, then I don’t know what is.”

    – Stephanie